So much to say....

1) sending love on the anniversary of Lavi's death. What a beautiful commemoration his parents are planning (and let me know when...)

2) at one time I would have been greatly honored to see my book next to JL's...for many years she would have been in my list of top 5 favorite authors, so I am especially saddened and pained (but not surprised) to know she is on the list advocating for a boycott...

3) great letter (I'm tempted to copy/paste/adapt it and send out a bunch similar to it)

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Thank you for highlighting what those boycotts erode (shared spaces) & how they damage all of us.

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Books transport us to new destinations, unknown. Books are invitations into the lives of Others. Books are artistry, history, tradition. To ban or burn or mute a voice is part of a dangerous plot , a volume in the ongoing terrorist series, the victory of evil over good. Read greedily. Write more. Tell your story. Shame on anyone who seeks to silence words or worlds. They are part of a twisted plot.

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You point out how counter productive letters and initiatives like this are. It goes to support the science that says that the two largest elements in the air we all share are oxygen and stupidity.

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